     Why Your Septic System Fails (Click here)


Welcome to Bonser & Son

Does your septic system need replacement. Your septic system replacement could qualify under the In Kind Replacement Rule? You might not need a new septic system design.

Bonser & Son install and repair all types of septic systems and will fix any problems. If you are having septic trouble or have a question don't hesitate to call:

679-2036 or email:

  • Free Cost Estimates
  • Repair broken sewer lines,
  • Replace or repair septic tanks
  • Install inlet or outlet baffles
  • Fix a damaged D-Box
  • Replace a failed leach field
  • Septic system Design
  • Stone and Pipe
  • Chambers
  • Enviro Septic
  • Geoflow
  • Eljen in Drains
  • NH Septic Designer License # 550
  • NH Septic Installer License # 1327
  • NH Certified Septic System Evaluator # 131
  • Located in Nottingham, New Hampshire.We have been designing, installing and repairing existing septic systems since 1980.

    Serving: Dover NH, Rochester NH, Nottingham NH, Barrington NH, Lee NH, Epping NH, Raymond NH, Deerfield NH, Northwood NH, Madbury NH, Newmarket NH, Newfields NH, Exeter NH, Durham NH, Brentwood NH, Fremont NH, Stratham NH, Somersworth NH, Greenland NH, Candia NH, Auburn NH

Why Your Septic System Fails

A properly designed, installed, used and maintained septic system should last 15 to 30 years.

Septic systems occasionally fail because of poor design or installation, but usually because the leach field is too small to handle the amount of gallons of effluent per day that enters the system.

An organic mat is formed on the bottom of your leach field which reduces your systems ability to drain properly.
The reason for premature failure is that the system is designed for a specific number of gallons per day, based on the number of bedrooms, flowing into your leach field. However, if large amounts of liquid waste are put into the system over a short period of time, for example several loads of laundry in a few hours, this will overload the septic tank and start to push solids into the leach field which will start to clog and slow the flow of untreated liquid into the ground.

Another reason for premature failure is not maintaining your system. Your tank should be pumped every 2 or 3 years to remove solids in your tank which should not exceed 1/3 the liquid depth of your tank. Poor maintenance combined with large volumes of liquid waste entering the system will always shorten the life of your septic system.

Solids flow into your pipes and plug your leach field.
Failed in drain system.